Created 2021 • Sole Designer • Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop

Mask Mouth Mint Lip Stix Logo

About The Project:
SV CBD's goal was to release a new CBD-infused lip balm. After creating the name, and an exhilarating mint flavor, I was tasked to create the brand logo, label design, and any marketing materials (both in-store and online).

0.5oz Mask Mouth Mint Jumbo Lip Stix

This product was going to be released during the pandemic when mask mandates were still in effect. This in itself caused a major hurdle, how do you market a new lip balm when this is one of the last things on consumers' minds? We were experiencing a shift of the world we knew to a whole new one following the emergence of COVID-19.

Mask Mouth Mint Advertisement

With such a heavy and trying time, the best solution for this particular project was humor. Let's bring some smiles, laughter, and giggles to those who need a break from being bombarded with new infection rates or variants. I decided to go with a pop-art and graphic novel-inspired theme to help enforce the lighthearted nature of the product. The copywriting ended up being one of my favorite parts of this project.
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